Sunday, December 20, 2009

If a deaf person swears, does their mother wash their hands out with soap and water?

of course. this is a joke right?If a deaf person swears, does their mother wash their hands out with soap and water?
Mean questionIf a deaf person swears, does their mother wash their hands out with soap and water?
No they turn their hearing aid up high and make them watch Jeremy Kyle!
My mother has never slapped my brother but then again he has never sworn in front of her.
Maybe, ask one.....
Nice one! :-)

Although they wouldn't wash their hands out, as that doesn't make sense.
stupid and insensitive question.
Not my mother. Thanks for the points.
Hmm.. now that is a good question ! :) Maybe they do ! Good Luck ! :)
Not my Mother, I got slap round back of head
You need to find something else to do with your time. My son is hearing impaired(not deaf)and at first I thougt I was angry with this question but I'm not cause it's actually quite creative.
How sick can you get,that's awful.
Ha ha ha...I'll give you a three for that...joke's kinda funny, but I couldn't even begin to count the number of times I've heard it.
how dumb. Is that supposed to be cute? Are you one of ''those'' people who likes to be funny while teasing the handycapped?

I can only wish that you are healthy and never become handycapped for any reason. You never know what life will bring you, what your children will be like, what someone in your family will end up like.

Its people like you that think they are clever make the world a not so nice place to live in.

There are a million other questions you could ask, so you choose to make fun of people who can talk with their hands.

Makes me wonder, did your mother club you over the head for punishment when you say such assanine things?
2 points!

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