Sunday, December 20, 2009

Korean girls prefer to wash their face with soap?

i was looking at one website and it said that korean girls prefer to use soap than a face wash to wash their face, but i'm dont know if it was ture so i just wanted to make sure.

if anyonr knows anything about it then can you please tell me if its true or not and also if it is true then can you tell me what kind of soap it is.....Korean girls prefer to wash their face with soap?
Yes, it is true. Before, many Koreans used these gel-like / facial wash / skin products but many found them not suited to their skins.

So nowadays, companies create various types of soap with different characteristics.

There are many soaps such as cucumber, nature (chun yun soap which has become popular), acne soap, broccoli soap~.

I know you can't read Korean but you can tell from one simple 'soap' search in Korean website and many different types of soaps are sold.;query=%BA%F1%B4%A9%26amp;frm=nv_productKorean girls prefer to wash their face with soap?
Yes, it is true. That is why they have a wide range of facial soap on the market.
It is not true, Koreans use a lot of products for their face just like the united states!

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