Thursday, January 7, 2010

I need to know can you wash a newborn baby with''Jhonson baby soap''?

my boyfriend's mother told him that he can't wash a newborn up with ''Jhonson baby soap'' because it's too strong,you have to use wet wipes, and he can't wash there belly button. I said we can because the soap is for babies, and we can wash them up but you just can't wash there belly button until it falls off and then we can give them a bath.I need to know can you wash a newborn baby with''Jhonson baby soap''?
Heck yes you can...didn't they tell you that at the hospital? I wouldn't use could give the baby a rash if they are scented. Ya, don't wash the babies belly button....just wipe around it with a clean warm wash cloth. First rule don't ever listen to ur boyfriends mom! Ask ur Doctor....I need to know can you wash a newborn baby with''Jhonson baby soap''?
yes u can
Use Aveeno for babies, it does not contain soap to dry out the skin and it has oatmeal to soften the skin. It is also very mildly fragrant.

The doctor recommended it to me when my son was born, he was premature.

The Aveeno lotion for babies is also excellent.
as long as the baby's umbilicol cord is gone it's okay to wash they baby in water.....the doctor told that to my brother and his wife.........but if the umbilicol cord is still on, it's only good to dap the baby with a wet cloth!
I was always told never to use baby wipes (and on the few occasions I did it was major rashes), use a bit of soap but for a newborn just use warm water (like what you do when your changing their nappy). Best not to irritate the belly button at all, just give a quick dab with clean cotton wool and leave it alone or it could go nasty. Enjoy Mummyhood.
Newborns should only be washed in water. It's all a marketing ploy. Babies have perfected adapted skin and are quite oily to begin with. It ios us with all or products that dry them out.

Wait a while before clogging them up. But Johns is the best after that!
Yes you can wash a newborn with Johnson's baby soap. There just isn't much point in it. Newborns don't really get dirty. And DO NOT submerge the baby in water that covers the belly button until the cord has completely fallen off and healed. If you must wash your baby, wet a washcloth with warm water and put the soap on it and then just wipe the baby clean with it. Then wipe her again with a wet cloth that has no soap on it. Newborns really don't need baths any more that about every 10 days if you keep their private areas clean.
Dial soap is the best. However Johnson baby soap is good also.
Never take the advice of crackheads, boys and girls. Also, lets explore what ';baby soap'; is. It's soap...FOR BABIES. That would include newborns of parents who desire a fresh smelling child, and not one who reeks of baby sweat and curdled milk. Irish Spring, now I would wager that is too strong a strong soap for babies.
I think 1 week and under you should use the jhonson wipes. i believe the can work just as well. After that johnson is the best to use!!It is so delicate to the eyes I use it to wash my hands before I put in my contacts.
give a hand bath get a bowl of water soak the baby with a washcloth then just soap with another washcloth then rinse the baby off with a washcloth
Johnson Baby soap is for can ues it on your newborn...just keep the belly button dry. Don't let people upset can give your newborn a bath, just try and keep its belly button dry.
my pediatrican told me to use the nuetragena(spelling?) soap bar on my daughter when she was first born because of all th e perfumes and dyes in the baby soaps and it works well! you can clean around the umbilical stump with alcohol on a qtip
Yes, you can, as long as the baby's umbilical cord stump has dried up and fallen off, and the baby's belly button has healed completely. If it's still attached, you can still bathe the baby with Johnson's baby soap, but you have to give the baby a sponge bath and not submerge him in the tub. Just make sure you rinse the baby thoroughly. You know how itchy skin can get if it's not rinsed thoroughly. :) My sons' pediatrician recommended I wash them head to toe with Dove unscented bar soap, and I do. They both have beautiful skin. :) One have to be especially careful around their eyes. Unlike most products made especially for babies, Dove is NOT and isn't tear free.
Grandparents like to have opinions about everything, don't they?

Johnson's baby soap is fine, it's gentle enough for babies and tear free. When you give your baby a bath, just put the baby in a baby bath tub and put enough warm water in until it is just below the belly button. Use a wash cloth and Johnson's baby soap and you'll be fine. After the belly button falls off, you can put more water in the tub, and no washing or alcohol is required for the belly button area.

Congratulations on your new baby!
Yes you can I washed mine with it when he was a baby including his little hair. he's now 13 and going strong. I hope this helped.

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