Thursday, December 24, 2009

If your child swears, do you wash his/her mouth out with soap?

I never use any form of physical punishment with my kids. As for swearing, before you discipline your kids, stop and think about if you or other's in your house use swearing in thier conversation/daily exchanges. Now, this does not mean it is ok for a child to use foul language, especially in coversation iwith adults or in school. BUT, it is very hard to tell a child that swearing is never, ever allowed if they hear it at the dinner table each night. Instead of saying something like ';We never use language like that in this house';, take the time to tell them why it is inappropriate for kids to use that language, give specific examples of when it will never be tolerated and then suggest a place and time that it is your room, alone, with the door closed into your pillow is the one we use. When the point out you use words they aren't supposed to, don't say ';I'm a grownup, I can do what I want'; or something like it. Instead say that for adults, you included, swearing can become a habit like biting your nails or smoking and that while you may use those words at home, you would never use them in talking to your boss or your own parents.If your child swears, do you wash his/her mouth out with soap?
No. My kids are still young and still learning that some words they hear people say are bad, so I don't punish them for saying them. I teach them not to say words like that.

But when they are older and know better, yea I'd put some soap in there if I had to! They need to learn somehow, right?!If your child swears, do you wash his/her mouth out with soap?
no !.. thats crazy... maybe pepper in the mouth tho :)
NO! It is an abusive act. Soap contains ingredients that can be dangerous. Instead, when I first hear them using it I explain that it is impolite to use some words, and suggest words to use instead. In my opinion. too many parents are too quick to punish instead finding opportunities to teach. Children are much smarter than most give then credit for!

No but in my elementary school they use to.

I look at it this way, if my child swears then it is my fault and I need to change my behavior. (My children are very young and they don't attend day care)
nope..i used to get soap and i'd blow bubbles..finaly they learned a smack in the mouth works just as god and i would say its tought me a lot so *SMACK*
well, my children are not old enough to talk yet, but i do plan on using soap for cussing. i was raised in a household where those were only words for grown ups and i better not use them. half the people on here do not make sense. they say that they will not use soap, but they will ';pop'; them. that makes no sense to me.
absolutely, unequivocally NO! Not only is it awful it can be poisonous and potentially harmfull. If there are adults who are using foul language around your child it is only natural for them to mimic. It is a parents job to TEACH the child this is inappropriate language and enforce abstainance from using these words.

Children can be put in a time out etc if young, withhold favorite toys or activities etc if they continue. Get creative! But always be aware of what your own actions are teaching your child.
My sister had alot of success with hot sauce. just a dab on the end of their tongue. but on the otherhand now they don't like any spicy foods. and we are talking about someone who thinks stupid and fart and ';my bad'; are bad words.
hmm... No.

Instead, why dont you explain to the children that curse words are used my people who arent very smart. They use curse words to express emotions that they cant express with regular words. I think kids can understand that and of course they dont want to be the dumb kid.

If you absolutely have to... wash there mouths with Baking soda and peroxide it tastes awful BUT it is also a form of anticeptic wash so it will do them good.
Nah, make them drink some nasty medicine they hate, give them some baking soda that'll wipe their mouths clean!
no way. if your child is on the older side then he/she will remember it and resent you for a while. if she/he is younger than just talk to him/her about how much it hurts people and how bad it is, and give him/her a time out or simple disipline.
No, I think its pointless and nasty.

My kids are only 6 and 4, so they really dont swear unless they repeat something they hear someone else say. I just explain that some words are not for little children or young ladies to use. The words are gross and yucky and rude. And even though some adults use them it isnt appropriate for children to swear.

I'd prefer to sit and talk to my children than wash their mouths with soap. Even when they are older and know what the words mean and use them to be cool or whatever. I will talk to them about why they feel the need to use such words and how disgusting it sounds.
I would never wash my childs mouth out with soap I just think that is cruel. I do believe in poping or scolding but never would I make my child wash his mouth out with soap.
yes, and if there's a second time, they owe me $10, a third time $20, a fourth $35. so far, nobodies gone past 4 times.
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