Sunday, December 20, 2009

I've been cursing too much and need my mouth washed out with soap. How should i do it and with what soaps?

So, i think i need to get my mouth washed out with soap but i need some help on wat soap to use and how to do it. So the first question is:

1. What soap to use? bar, liquid, body wash, or dish detergent.

2. What brand of soap to use? Follow along with the first question.

3. How to do it? I've heard of holding the soap in the mouth and swishing it and scrubbing it and all kinds of things but opinions are appreciated.I've been cursing too much and need my mouth washed out with soap. How should i do it and with what soaps?
Caustic soda.

You won't be swearing again any time soon.I've been cursing too much and need my mouth washed out with soap. How should i do it and with what soaps?
I would use an antibacterial bar soap like lever 2000 then you can gargle with a liquid soap rinse with luke warm water blow the bubbles out curse while you do it and then repeat the whole process again. you can also eat the bar of soap if you like ;) That should help LOL
You could use the kind of soap that Ralphie's mom used in A Christmas Story. lol鈥?/a>
Just use toothpaste. It tastes better than soap.
That might make you curse more......especially if you're a midget, because they swear naturally.

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