Thursday, December 24, 2009

What Soap Would You Use To Wash Out Someone's Dirty Mouth With?

Pick one of the following:

- Dawn

- Joy

- Palmolive

- Ajax

10 pts if you say why you picked your choice.. lolWhat Soap Would You Use To Wash Out Someone's Dirty Mouth With?
palmolive..i think its got the strongest smell...i would have said ivory..cause it burns especially when you use bar soap..had it done to me many many times as a kidWhat Soap Would You Use To Wash Out Someone's Dirty Mouth With?
Dawn antibacterial to make sure ';it'; didn't come back!
Ajax. It tastes the worst. Yes, i know that for a fact.
Palmolive because I think it would taste the worst. Joy and Dawn seem to cheery and Ajax seems poisonous. Plus I already have P in the house n I'm lazy today.
Joy, as its what put the dirt there in the first place ;)

When I was a kid, my mom just used a bar of bath soap like Dove.

Kudos! - To you for caring enough about your children to make sure that they respect themselves and others and not use bad language. Too many parents think it is funny when a child says a dirty word.
ewwww! use a bar a soap not dish liquid soap!
i can't choose any of the soaps here coz i'll prefer one that's concentrated in caustic soda coz when i wash that person's mouth with it,it won't get dirty or smelly in a very long while.
I would use dawn. I choose dawn because its gets all the grease out, so I would think it would get the filth ouf of peoples mouths as well as the dishes
dove soap milkshake!!
Ajax, coz i like the smell ,hahaha
Palmolive, because in india here, palmolive is the only soap that I would get out of those four soaps.
Ajax; I accidently injested some(I thought the liquid was off my hands, but it wasn't so it got on my food and there you go) and it made me vomit; plus, it smells bad.
Ajax it will whiten their teeth also.
Palmolive cuz that's what I have in my house, and I'm sure it tastes really nasty!
dawn if swallowed gives you diarhea I know it has been done to me a few times before to where you'll never forget not to cuss
Ajax. Deep cleaning scouring power.
I would use Irish Spring because I would enjoy the irony almost as much as washing a persons mouth with soap.
If the person say the 'f' word joy

the 'S' word ajax and any other words, dawn.

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